Brisbane based The Blue Shamrocks has just released Through the Years, a heartfelt and timeless sounding track that blends traditional jive, waltz and country styles with a subtle blues-rock edge.

Following their album TTT-Tap Those Toesin 2017, the new release is taken from their forthcoming album NTSH-Nothin’ to See Here due out soon.
Through the Years is a song that will resonate with many, utilising a poignant subject matter and marrying that to powerful emotionally-charged melodies and a seductively, joyous classic feel. Exploring themes of family and bloodlines and the lasting connections that span geographies and time, Through the Years, is sprinkled with optimism and generosity, a track that’s sure to attract many discerning music lovers.
Primarily adopting a waltz feel, Through the Years nonetheless feels amazingly fresh, apt and vital, despite its nod to old school genre. As the band has said about the subject matter of the song: ‘The lyrics were written with the thought of people who live in Australia and those who migrate to Australia, who move around this vast country to achieve a “better” life, where making family reunions at times is difficult, for the good or bad times in life.

‘Through the Years has a sweetness about it, a lullaby-like tune that’s sure to resonate with young and old and everyone in between, it touches on easily identifiable concerns.'
For our years that follow the comfort of family bonds remains with us for the rest of time’. There is a gentle and almost whimsical flavour to the band’s earthy sound, utilising traditional elements and instrumentation, such as guitar, fiddle (or violin) and restrained drums to create a mellow background to the pertinent narrative of the song. Through the Years has a celebratory characteristic about it, as it delves into the yearnings that span geography and time.
It’s smooth and soothing despite the weight of the lyric’s focus, this is achieved via an amiable and passionate vocal performance from lead vocalist Sam. Through the Years has a sweetness about it, a lullaby-like tune that’s sure to resonate with young and old and everyone in between, it touches on easily identifiable concerns.
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