Emerging Melbourne based Australian singer-songwriter Karen Harding has just released her debut single, I Didn’t Realise.

The new track is a devastatingly candid exploration of personal heartache, utilising all the melancholic splendour of Karen’s organic musical sensibilities.
Harding had been working on her solo act for years, but it wasn’t until the Covid-19 lockdowns that she began to go public, performing online in Sounds On The Couch. As Harding says, ‘It was through this platform that I gained the knowledge and the confidence to take my music to the next level.’
With a voice reminiscent of Sarah McLaughlin and Eva Cassidy, Harding will undoubtedly attract an audience who will connect with her songs and her raw style. Touching, poignant and hitting a familiar nerve that will resonate with many, I Didn’t Realise is an eloquently performed elucidation of human connection featuring a tangible sensitivity.
This is heartbreak in all its vulnerable finery and affecting nuances and its depth and hard-won insight. As Harding says about the history of I Didn’t Realise, ‘Once the song was finished, I realised that these are emotions and experiences that most of us go through, and I was finding that people were connecting with the song. The track allows others to connect their experiences and then to explore how much they have grown, and I feel like that’s really beautiful.’
From the track’s tender piano introduction to its searing climactic exposition, I Didn’t Realise is a blend of pure voice, uncompromised intimacy, and a hint of subtle contemporary musical textures.

‘‘ I hope that the song can be a reflection of the feelings that the listener feels or has felt.. and can help them to reflect on their own experiences and discover how far they have come in their own life experiences.’
Its hooks lie in its ability to expose a vulnerability that might otherwise remain hidden from view. As Harding says, ‘I hope that the song can be a reflection of the feelings that the listener feels or has felt.. and can help them to reflect on their own experiences and discover how far they have come in their own life experiences.’
Produced by Josh Hennessy of Pivotal Music, I Didn’t Realise is the next tear-inducing big ballad, a contemporary rendering of a universal, timeless theme.