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Senani - Say you Love Me

Jennifer Janz

Emerging Australian music artist Senani has just released Say You Love Me, an R&B track that adopts various elements of pop, soul, smooth jazz

Emerging Australian music artist Senani has just released Say You Love Me, an R&B track that adopts various elements of pop, soul, smooth jazz, and world music to create a laid-back hybrid that doesn’t pummel you over the head but rather eases you into more of a late-night, reflective state.

The new release is the follow-up to Senani’s previous tracks which include Free and Voodoo Girl, both of which gained some worthwhile traction; Free was number 1 for 6 weeks on Sri Lanka’s National radio station YES FM 101, breaking the record for the longest stay in the number 1 spot by a female artist, as well as being nominated for a Hollywood Music in Media Award in the R&B/Soul category.

And in 2014 the dance version of the track broke into the top 20 UK Music Week charts and has now clocked up over 30k YouTube views. Exposed to the sounds of traditional South Asian/Indian music from a young age, Senani’s previous tracks utilised these influences to quite a discernible degree, however on Say You Love Me, these characteristics have been toned down a little, except perhaps for the lead synth/Moog line that swells in an out of the track, most notably on the passage post the bridge that can almost count as a keyboard solo. Yes! A keyboard solo.

‘‘Most of my songs have been divinely inspired and channelled and I present positive energy and uplifting messages to my audience to help create a better world and happiness to those who hear it’.

This, of course, is in keeping with the progressive jazz side of Senani’s influences, a well-stocked armoury of which only a glimpse is exposed here. The song is certainly measured but Senani’s self-assured commitment via her performance reveals the true source of the song’s heat.

But perhaps the heat is a result of an altogether different agent, as Senani has said about her creative process: ‘Most of my songs have been divinely inspired and channelled and I present positive energy and uplifting messages to my audience to help create a better world and happiness to those who hear it’.



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